Shimadzu-DTG (Model:60/DTG-60A)

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Simultaneous TG/DTA improves ease of operation, sensitivity and analytical accuracy of conventional standalone systems.

If flexibility and high performance is needed in various applications, the new DTG-60/60H combines them all: Basic functions required by simultaneous thermogravimetry/differential thermal analysis (TG/DTA) measurements are improved. Atmosphere control is programmable. As in DSC, the TA-60WS provides advanced acquisition, analysis and report functions which ensure comfortable simultaneous measurements.

The DTG-60A is a new automatic DTG which defines new standards in autosampler technology. The built-in automatic sampler can easily be operated and programmed, compared to the complicated operation and setup of conventional autosamplers.

Up to 24 samples can be set up for analysis and additional sample trays can be used to quickly reload the autosampler, providing more than 24 hours of fully automatic analysis at one time.

DTG-60/60A Specifications


Model DTG-60 (P/N:346-68450-92/93)
*-92:for AC120V, -93:for AC230V
Balance type Parallel guide differential top pan type
Measured temperature range Room temperature to 1,100°C
Measurable range ± 500mg
Measurable range ± 1000µV
Readability 0.001mg
Sample quantity 1g max, in gross weight
Dimensions W:386 D:590 H:540(mm)
Weight 33Kg
Required power supply AC100, 120V, 1300VA, 50/60Hz

Model DTG-60A (P/N:346-68450-92/93)
*-92:for AC120V, -93:for AC230V
Number of positions 24 samples per tray
Reference Fix
Analysis and printing Automatic analysis and print for template format
Dimensions W:320 D:500 H:290(mm)
Weight 24Kg
Required power supply AC100, 120V, 1300VA, 50/60Hz

Thermal Analyzer with Built-in "Tweezers" – The Future Standard

The DSC-60A is a new automatic DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimeter) designed for extra convenient and easy operation, and DTG-60A is the world's first automatic TG/DTA (Thermogravimetry/Differential Thermal Analysis) instrument. The autosampler, that has so far required complex operation and setup procedures, is now built-into the instrument's body so that measurement can be performed with greater ease.


  • With a built-in autosampler, requires only small installation space.
  • Can accommodate 24 samples, which means continuous automatic operation during the night or on days off. Adding on an optional sample tray allows up to 48 samples to be set.
  • Use of templates allows automatic measurement, analysis and printout (saving of files) to be easily set up.
  • Urgent samples can be easily given priority.
  • Automatic analysis results can also be verified and corrected right away.
  • A full lineup of safety features ensures sufficient safety measures even during unmanned operation.

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INO: Bán, Báo giá, tư vấn mua sắm và cung cấp, tư vấn sản phẩm thay thế; tương đương, hướng dẫn sử dụng, giá…VNĐ, …USD | Tel: (+84) 028 73000184 | Shimadzu-DTG (Model:60/DTG-60A).